do not interact and before you follow
stan list and interests

Hi! My name is Isohel.

I use they / them pronouns in English.
In Italian, I’m okay with the ending in -a in the spoken and written language, alongside the -x and the caesura.
If you speak a gendered language, or you’re a close friend of mine, I’m okay with she / her.

I was born on march 22nd in Italy, where I live; I’m currently 19.

I identify mainly as queer, but i also use sapphic, abrosexual and girlflux to better explain how i perceive myself.

My mbti type is infp and my enneagram 4w5.


click on the photo to get redirected to the artist’s spotify!

a photo of grandson
a photo of eden
a photo of 50landing
a photo of brakence
a photo of fulminacci
a photo of dadi freyr
a photo of mae krell

click on the photo to get redirected to the band’s spotify!

a photo of idkhow
a photo of rovere
a photo of half alive
a photo of pinguini tattici nucleari
a photo of blind channel
a photo of fall out boy
a photo of the brobecks
a photo of badflower
a photo of icon for hire

click on the photo to get redirected to the youtube channel!

space valley logo
a photo of nelson
tearless raptor logo
a photo of evan edinger
pangaeapanga logo
nilered logo
a drawing of the persona5 protagonist and desbug logo
a drawing of alpharad
a drawing of sio
il trono del muori logo
a photo of plumbella

click on the photo to get redirected to a page related to the person!

a drawing of dana terrace
a drawing of alex hirsch
a photo of laura rubin

do not interact list

-basic dni criteria, but also if you:

-are a TERF, a radical feminist or rad leaning/learning and/or your feminism isn’t intersectional;

-are an exclusionist (i.e. you’re biphobic, panphobic, enbyphobic, polyamphobic, etc./you think nobody can identify as queer/don’t support xenogenders and/or neopronouns);

-are negationist, anti-vax, and/or you believe vaccines cause autism;

-headcanon real people’s sexuality or gender and/or label/sexualize people;

-ship real people, unless they’re already dating (e.g. James Turner and Deligracy) or lightheartedly (e.g. Ryan Seaman and Josh Katz); thinking people would be theoretically good together is fine;

-support in any way people who fit these points.

before you follow:

-i tweet both in italian and in english;

-if you’re not italian, and i put “//do not translate” on an italian tweet, do as you’re told, as there’s a reason i’m tweeting in italian;

-i often curse, but i rarely say blasphemies (in italian);

-i don’t have notifications on for twitter, and i don’t know if i’ll ever turn them on again;

-i’ll probably won’t dm first but if you want to talk my dms are open; this said, i might randomly check on you if we interact semi-regularly (i often do this when my mood is really low or bad as i want to make sure everyone is ok);

-i don’t make distinctions between content and trigger warnings, but i still tag them if i don’t forget (very important! i haven’t tagged some suicidal tweets in the past. i should’ve deleted them all and i also moved to my private account to vent so hopefully it won’t be a problem anymore. in any case, you are NOT required to help me in any way, you can absolutely move on especially if you don’t feel good about it).